I work for the State of New York. I have a NYS sticker on the driver's side of my truck. I pay NYS taxes, same as many middle class NYS residents and workers. Recently, written opinions in my region have been very negative toward State employees. Given New York's current economic status I understand that sentiment.
During a pause in the parade's movement, a woman asked me if I knew that I had a nice truck. I told her that I knew that and then I thanked her. She asked if I take my "very nice truck" out with the club. I replied in the affirmative (only once so far and that was long ago). She looked at my vehicle and asked where I work. Becuase I have a sticker announcing my employer I said, "The State." Her reply? Her reply made me very angry. She said "Nice to see what my tax dollars are buying." @#$%$%^&;*@##Q$*@
Why do people think that only civil servants fall into this category?
= I drink Coke a Cola. Don't I contribute to the salaries of its employees?
= I am composing this blog on a Dell computer. I paid a part of someone's salary at Dell.
= NYS purchases products from manufacturers all over the state. Following this logic, one should conclude that tax payer dollars are paying UAW salaries when the State buys Ford or GM automobiles. Should the State save money and purchase cars from Toyota, Honda, and Nissan instead? (pardon the tangent)
We all contribute to each others' incomes when we purchase products or services. Singling out civil servants is not fair to anyone. There are lazy employees in all fields just as there are amazing individuals doing the work of three people with the resources for one in every organization. The stereotypes that are applied to civil servants are also applicable to the private sector.
My job was not handed to me. I had to have a college degree and score very high on an exam to qualify for the job. If I want to advance within my organization I have to complete graduate school and take another exam. To be considered for a job, an applicant must have one of the top three scores for his or her exam.
Which brings us to today's websites:
SeeThroughNY: http://www.seethroughny.net/ This website provides "a clearer view of how ... state and local tax dollars are spent." New Yorkers can view contracts, payrolls, and expenditures. The "other data" portion of the website provides regional information, such as city payrolls, and federal payrolls in New York.
New York State Civil Service: http://www.cs.state.ny.us/ Are you looking for a civil service job in New York? Start at this website. Sign up for e-mail notification of exam announcements. Some study guides are available through the website. Also, take a trip to your local public library. You will find civil service study books on the shelves. Ask the individual at the reference desk if you need help.
NYS Unified Court System careers page: http://www.nycourts.gov/careers/index.shtml Bilingual? Interested in law enforcement? The courts are continuously looking for interpreters and court officers. The court system hires attorneys, librarians, secretaries, court monitors, network specialists, and more. Check this website regularly for job postings and exam announcements. All applications and instructions are on the website.
Happy Dyngus Day!
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