Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Motorized Wheelchairs & Lemon Law

I have several projects in the works.  Website creation, website correction, a couple library guides, and my portfolio.  Need to find time for cosmetic work on the truck and a detail job for the Corolla.  I should assess the tire situation on the car, too.

This is a brief post.  I am worried about family members and cannot concentrate beyond the required tasks.  On to the links!

Tires:  I have heard great things about Tire Rack (http://www.tirerack.com/index_w.jsp).  I may be trying this website soon.  On the other hand, I have been quite pleased with the service at my local Firestone (http://www.firestonecompleteautocare.com/).  I might just get snows and rims from them.  I dread driving the Corolla in snowy conditions with the current tires.

Wheels:  Summit Racing (http://www.summitracing.com/) sold the Xterra's wheels to me a couple years ago.  They have shipped several items to my home.  Customer service has been wonderful!  I have to find my shopping mojo and purchase a couple more rims for the X.  Spare needs a new one.

New York State Lemon Law (http://www.ag.ny.gov/bureaus/consumer_frauds/lemon_law.htmlinformation is located on the New York State Attorney General's website.  NY Lemon Law covers new and used cars, leased automobiles, and motorized wheelchairs!  The wheelchair inclusion was a pleasant surprise for me.

New York State Thruway Authority (http://www.thruway.ny.gov/index.shtml) provides weather alerts, construction project locations, and web cameras for up-to-the-second road conditions.  Camera images are refreshed every ten seconds (30 or 60 during high traffic times).

LexisNexis Communities (http://www.lexisnexis.com/community/portal/content/lexisonelandingpage.aspx) replaces LexisOne.  Free access to U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Courts case law as well as forms.  I have to learn more about website.  Something to be explored at a later date.        

Friday, November 11, 2011

Scotch Tape and a Bow

     Time to wrap up this aspect of my introductory library technology class.

     Well, Folks, this is the end (my friend, yes, I listen to The Doors) of my Learning 2.0 experience for school. After this post I will return to my sporadic posts relating to my child, my vehicles, legal information and legal reference, and library studies.

     The exercises and discoveries experienced in the Learning 2.0 journey exposed one large element of internet tools:  Lack of Privacy.  It was extremely difficult to maintain a level of privacy during this program.  The need for browsing in private or incognito (see your browser tools) was emphasized during my LinkedIn trial. Once this semester is completed I will return to all my accounts with public access and disable them as completely as possible.  From there I will create new, more private accounts with one online citation tool (not Zotero) and one online bookmarking tool.

     I enjoyed reading my classmates' blogs.  I am always surprised that one thing (website, Web 2.0 tool, or video) can produce a wide variety of reactions or assessments.  I frequently state that I am oblivious to the obvious.  My classmates provided a multifaceted learning experience, an experience that cannot be taught by just one instructor.  The interpretations and evaluations by my classmates exposed aspects of the Web 2.0 tools that I would not have noticed on my own.

Good night to you.  I will return with a link or two in the near future.  


     The second last (almost there!) Learning 2.0 assignment required an acquaintance with two additional Web 2.0 tools. Several peers have been raving about Google Earth. Others have been seeking connections with me on LinkedIn. Of the two, Google Earth is my favorite.
     I am still exploring Google Earth. I love the ability to see over my neighbors' fences. The housing tract I live in is filled with above ground swimming pools, more homes have than have not.  The ability to easily move from Google Earth to Street View is nice.  Street view is not always available (not on my street).  I hope to learn about Google Earth's ocean views with my son.  He loves all things related to Earth and her oceans.

     LinkedIn frustrated me.  Minimal services are available for free.  A paid subscription is required before one can access additional features and resources.  Aren't LinkedIn's users seeking employment?  If so, the next logical thought is that a person seeking a job or career advancement does not have unlimited monetary resources.  I would be more prone to use this website if additional features were included in the free subscription.  Also, the "People You May Know" is just plain creepy.  How do they gather this information?  One of the names listed was my cousin's wife, someone I have never corresponded with electronically.  I guess an in depth examination of their user agreement.

     I did visit Google Books as a lark.  I sought a quote about towels.  I knew the book, just not the page of the quote.  I was surprised that the book was not the first hit in the result list.

     Google Earth might be a useful tool in libraries.  Librarians can use it to assist with geographic, oceanic, and cartographic reference questions.  I could not think of a use for the free services offered by LinkedIn.  Libraries and their staff would benefit more from memberships in the American Library Association and other professional organizations.

Today's links are library related.  Titles are self-explanatory: 
American Library Association: http://www.ala.org/
Canadian Library Association: http://www.cla.ca
Music Library Association: http://www.musiclibraryassoc.org/
American Association of Law Libraries: http://www.aallnet.org/
Canadian Association of Law Libraries: http://www.callacbd.ca
Art Libraries Society of North America: http://www.arlisna.org/
Canadian Libraries and Librarianship: http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/6/7/s7-2000-e.html

     I hope the members of the United States Armed Forces had a nice Veterans Day today.
     Today is Canada's Remembrance Day, similar to our Memorial Day.
Be well all.