Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Motorized Wheelchairs & Lemon Law

I have several projects in the works.  Website creation, website correction, a couple library guides, and my portfolio.  Need to find time for cosmetic work on the truck and a detail job for the Corolla.  I should assess the tire situation on the car, too.

This is a brief post.  I am worried about family members and cannot concentrate beyond the required tasks.  On to the links!

Tires:  I have heard great things about Tire Rack (http://www.tirerack.com/index_w.jsp).  I may be trying this website soon.  On the other hand, I have been quite pleased with the service at my local Firestone (http://www.firestonecompleteautocare.com/).  I might just get snows and rims from them.  I dread driving the Corolla in snowy conditions with the current tires.

Wheels:  Summit Racing (http://www.summitracing.com/) sold the Xterra's wheels to me a couple years ago.  They have shipped several items to my home.  Customer service has been wonderful!  I have to find my shopping mojo and purchase a couple more rims for the X.  Spare needs a new one.

New York State Lemon Law (http://www.ag.ny.gov/bureaus/consumer_frauds/lemon_law.htmlinformation is located on the New York State Attorney General's website.  NY Lemon Law covers new and used cars, leased automobiles, and motorized wheelchairs!  The wheelchair inclusion was a pleasant surprise for me.

New York State Thruway Authority (http://www.thruway.ny.gov/index.shtml) provides weather alerts, construction project locations, and web cameras for up-to-the-second road conditions.  Camera images are refreshed every ten seconds (30 or 60 during high traffic times).

LexisNexis Communities (http://www.lexisnexis.com/community/portal/content/lexisonelandingpage.aspx) replaces LexisOne.  Free access to U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Courts case law as well as forms.  I have to learn more about website.  Something to be explored at a later date.        

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